The Japs held a mammoth parade today to celebrate the fall of Bataan and Corregidor. Planes have been flying around all morning and a whole division of tanks have just gone by the camp. It is reported that there are a number of transports in Manila Bay and that this parade is the termination of the troops stay in the Philippines as they are shipping them out, either to Australia or China. Reports come in that the Jap soldiers have been raising hell on the outside lately, drinking rapeing and what not, so guess they were having their last fling. We hope! Many civilian Japs have been shipped in here and are operating, or rather, trying to operate all the American busness and factories they have taken over. We learn that they are running our mill. In fact, one of the Japs in charge is connected with a local company with whom we have done a lot of business in the past. Most every damned Jap in this country has turned out to be an Army officer. The more I see and learn of their attack and invasion, the more convinced I am of the stupidity of our own government agencies in permitting all this to have gone on for so long without being checked. In many ways I am glad that this mess has started, for it will surely open the eyes of the public so that they will demand the elimination of the yellow race from the face of the earth for ever, Amen!!
I'm all worked up into a lather today and if I only had a soap box at 3rd and Market streets in good ol' S.F. would I spout off! And particularly our brilliant General McArthur. Oh hell! what's the use.
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